Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Expecting/Demanding Miracles

"So I say to you, ask, and it will be given to you; 
seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.
Luke 11:9

...So I am asking...I am seeking...and I am knocking! We are going to need all the prayers we can get as we have made the very scary decision to take Scotty off all his behavior medications and see what happens. He has been on a long list of medications over the last 14 years, many of which have had side effects that are much worse than the behaviors themselves.  Currently he was experiencing seven of the severe side effects listed for his current medication Serequel XR: aggressiveness, agitation, exaggerated happiness, restlessness, tremor, trouble walking, uncontrollable arm and leg movement and twitching of face and tongue.

It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words and I am too exhausted and too befuddled to string together enough words to constitute a coherent blog post this week.  Instead I will let the following pictures and videos speak for themselves.

14 Days Ago
Began the process of weaning Scotty off medication.

His reign of terror begins...

Yes that is a giant hole in my wall...

He was so exhausted that he covered himself up with his weighted
blanket and promptly fell asleep.
(This is no easy task because it weighs at least 25 pounds)

9 Days Ago
Medication decreased by half
This lasted about 2 hours.

What I didn't capture was him Incredible "Hulking"
the furniture onto the lawn...
Heavy wrought iron furniture hurled
through the air with super human strength.
Notice how he looks right at me each time...stinker!
Quite the spectacle.

As I sat in my front yard holding ice on my bruised nose and watched horrified as Scotty lost complete control of his senses for all the world to see... I realized I was completely helpless to stop this without getting injured again.  It was in that moment my prayers changed from the usually wimpy ones that always start out with, " Dear God, If you're not too busy... or... Dear God, I know my problems are smaller than most but if it is not too much trouble...or my personal favorite...I know in the big picture my problems are insignificant but..." changed to the following very bossy litany of demands.

Dear God,
Take away ALL Scotty's
aggressive and  angry behavior....forever.
Make him compliant and happy and easily satisfied.
Enable him to communicate his needs and wants appropriately.
Enable him to take care of his own basic needs.
Put a smile on his face and joy in his heart.
Grant him sleep.
Grant him contentment.
Grant him speech.
Let him embrace and welcome everyone who wants to
help him and take care of him.
I want a miracle
In Your name I pray

Yes, I spoke to God in SHOUTY capitals and I am not proud of that, but I was a desperate mom demanding a miracle for my son...he needed it...we all needed it.

5 Days Ago
Medication stopped
Uneaten lunch...never a good sign.

Followed by 24 hours of throwing up. 
And insomnia that resulted in three consecutive all-nighters.
We don't know if this was withdrawl or a virus.

No medication

His he is calm and compliant and he is, so, so happy!
An almost eerie Twilight Zonesque sense of 
peace has settled over  the Baston household.

We would appreciate all prayers
(bossy or otherwise) directed towards this boy
as his body and spirit heal from all
he has been through.
Pray that happy Scotty is here to stay.

God sends me a message everyday. 
 Here was my message for today!

On this day of your life, Joanne, we believe God wants you to know ... that you only need to Ask.
God is waiting for your Asking, waiting to reach out to you.
...And ask I will!

Philippians 4:6-7
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."
Read more at Buzzle:

Philippians 4:6-7
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."
Read more at Buzzle:


  1. Dear God, Let Joanne have some tiny sense of the miracles she and Steve are accomplishing with and through Scotty. Give them peace. Really.

  2. I am so happy to read that last paragraph, that Scotty is calm and content with absolutely NO meds. I know how it works, one med has side-effects, so another one is prescribed to counteract them but that also has side-effects, so you start a third one. It's a vicious cycle that leaves you wondering if it's worth starting on any of them at all. I've seen my parents go through it with my brother (who, by the way, turns 36 today. he's the youngest 36-year old I'll ever meet!).

    I hope that this calmness without meds lasts. It must be nice.

  3. hi, this is just to share with you that this post is having some text or links which are not easily readable, you can check it in edit mode. take care. God bless you!

  4. Father I come befor you and bodly ask you to heal scotty. I thank you for his fast recovery. I also thank you for blessing him with a loving caring family. I also ask that you heal Joanne and all of her joints to be fully restored. In jesus name we believe and ask for mighty miracles. Thank you for this blog and helping Joanne write what you want written to touch the hearts In Jesus name Amen and amen
