Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The Dot Dot Dot...

Grammatically speaking, dot dot dot, is called an ellipsis and it is defined as an intentional omission of a word or a sentence, and it can also be used to indicate an unfinished thought or, at the end of a sentence, a trailing off into silence...

My lovely daughters, who so lovingly call attention to my many flaws both the obvious and the not so obvious, are quick to point out my misuse and overuse of the ellipsis in my blog posts.

Accurate...but I have my reasons.

My brain has become programmed to function, to think and to speak the language of the dot dot dot.

My days are full of interrupted sentences, uncompleted tasks, and unfinished thoughts that trail off into realm of the dot dot dot.  The obstacle that obstructs my ability to complete a sentence, a task, or a thought is this sweet face.

Every sentence I speak is interrupted by a yell, every task I begin comes to a grinding halt, and every thought I have is erased as I...

I know there is a world where people are able to have conversations with one another without the sound of screaming in the background and speak in complete sentences.  It is a place where dishwashers can be emptied in five minutes and two loads of laundry take two hours instead of two days.

It is a wondrous and enchanting place where people can finish an entire meal without getting up from the table and bathroom doors actually provide the user with privacy. (Personally I think this one is a little far-fetched to be believed)

I have read about this magical place in books...I even know a few people who live there.  Sadly, it is a place I will most likely never get to live, but will merely be an occasional visitor.

But that is okay...

Because this is my life...the life God has chosen just for me and I have been blessed to realize that all the good stuff is in the dot dot dots.  There is stillness, there is prayer and with prayer comes clarity.  It is an opportunity to practice hundreds of times a day all the things that God teaches us.

In the dot dot dots, whatever I was doing ceases to be important and all the little tasks I thought I needed to get done seem insignificant and meaningless compared to the calling I have been given by God to take care of this boy.

For we are God’s handiwork, 
created in Christ Jesus to do good works, 
which God prepared in advance for us to do.
Ephesians 2:10

So my blogs, much like my life are filled with endless pauses 
and endless opportunities to do God's work.

It is filled with the dot dot dots.

1 comment:

  1. For the record . . . you write these words about what God says to you eloquently . . . I only pray that you eloquently . . . believe Him. I hear peace . . . within your words . . . I pray you can hear it too . . . through all the noise. XOXO
