Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Umbrellas and Happily Ever Afters

In honor of Father's Day I am dedicating this week's blog to my husband.  Know that I most likely will be crying my way through this one, but they are tears of thankfulness and gratefulness for this man God handpicked just for me...just for our children.

I met Steve in 1983 during a particularly low point in my life...nothing ....absolutely nothing in my world looked anything like I had hoped it would.  And there he was in the classroom across the plain a time when my eyes were shut and my heart was closed.

Surely he was (and still is) quite a handsome fella, but that wasn't it.  There was something much stronger at work...I truly believe God's plans for this family were already in motion and unbelievably, to the shock and dismay I am sure of everyone around us, we were married a few months later.


We will soon celebrate our 29th anniversary and I am unable to put into words how blessed and honored I feel to be loved by this man.  He is everything in this life I aspire to be.  He is kind, honest, unselfish, strong, patient, loving, thoughtful and committed.  As my sweet mother-in-law Loretta used to say, he is a good man.  And a good man he has always been. He is a man of deep abiding faith and other than our children...his faith is the greatest gift he has ever given me.

I have often doubted God's choice in choosing me to be Scotty's mother.  I feel so incompetent, but I have never questioned God's choice in choosing Steve.  Ever.

1987  One of my favorite photos of my boys♥

In Scotty's eyes he is a Superhero.  

5 months- 15 months
Oh that laugh♥

Last year I wrote a letter to my girls on Father's Day.  I wanted to make sure they remembered all the things I have tried to teach them, because more than anything I pray that someday they both find a good their dad.  Here is part of the letter.
Dear Girls,

In honor of Father's Day this year I wanted to take this opportunity to remind you of a few things about Dad that I never want you to forget.

Sure he talks a lot and has an opinion about absolutely everything under the sun, tells endless stories, prays until the food gets cold, continues to wear blue shorts from 70's, whistles loudly when you are trying to sleep, always has to go back in the house to retrieve something, mispronounces words for fun, says inappropriate things, burps in front of your friends, obsessively closes doors, turns out lights and follows you around telling you to pick up your shoes...But as far as husbands and fathers go he is without a doubt the very, very best.  
I know that most of the time you think 
I don’t know what I am talking about,
 but you will have to trust me on this…
I have no reason to lie.
♥ Stevi 1989♥
♥ Sarah Rose 1993 ♥

  • He does everything he can to make my life easier and yes…..He vacuums…endlessly.  It may sound stupid but when someone does something that you dislike just to make your life easier...It is a big, huge, gigantic deal.  Most importantly and I can't emphasize this enough….NEVER, EVER criticize a man who vacuums!
  • He rushes home every single day because home is where he wants to be… with us.  His work is not more important and his friends are not more important.  His family has always been his “most important.”  He always puts us first.
  • He is completely and totally unselfish of himself and his time and is never too tired or too busy, even though he is always too tired and too busy.
  • He is honest …Always. 
  • He always admits when he is wrong.
  • He stuck around. Not everyone would have.
  • He was respectful to his parents and kind to his mother… Period…There is not enough I can say about that.  A man who is kind and gentle to his mother will be kind and gentle to his wife.
  • He is a man of quiet faith and through his example he exemplifies how God wants us to live each day.  He makes me want to be a better person.
  • He loves us...totally, completely, unconditionally.  He is strong and unwavering in his devotion to this family.  Grandma Loretta got it right...He is the very definition of a good man.  

Read it, memorize it, make a check list….
Whatever you need to do.  
Use your Dad as your guide when 
you are ready for your Happily Ever After.
Batman Capes and Pink Tutus

And last but not least, no list would be 
complete without the Umbrella Story

Not long ago, I went to a movie with friends 
and when we came out it was pouring down rain.   
And there was your Dad....waiting for me with an umbrella. 
 In the midst of all that he had to do that day,
 including taking care of Scotty, he was thinking of me.  
This one simple act sums up your 
Dad and all the things I want for you. 
So my sweet girls, my prayer for each of you is that you will both find a good man, like your dad, who will 
always be waiting for you with an umbrella.
 Love, Mom


♥Happy Father's Day♥

He is like a man building a house, 
who dug deep and laid a foundation on the rock; 
and when a flood occurred, 
the torrent burst against that house 
and could not shake it, 
because it had been well built.
Luke 6:48


  1. I'm crying! How happy I am that you were teaching across the hall from my Unc. The two of you have such an inspiring and wonderful life together, and your family is a testament to your faith, love, and commitment. This needs to be published! ALL women deserve an umbrella story,and no one should settle for less. Love you Bastons!

  2. Beautiful page, letters, videos. Thank you for sharing your life story with us. We all need a good man like yours, and lucky for the women out there that were able to find one. I hope and pray that your daughter's will also find a good man.
