If you change the way you look at things,
the things you look at change.
Wayne Dyer
My quest to fulfill my resolution this year
to live quietly in the moment,
has led me to some fascinating realizations.
I am filled anew with awe
I am filled anew with awe
for this boy of ours whom God has so purposefully
and so perfectly created.
In my desire to find a lighter,
mellower version of myself,
there has been a shift in my perspective.
There is nothing to account for this shift...
Scotty hasn't changed...
None of his shenanigans have changed..
Only I have changed,
or rather my focus has changed.
It is easy to miss the extraordinary
when looking through the haze of chaos.
But it is there...
just beyond the misty vapor
just beyond the misty vapor
of commotion and clutter.
For me it is a purposeful shift...
an intentional change of perspective.
It is a focus on something other than the obvious.
I am usually too
wrapped up in the turmoil of our life
to clearly see all of God's hard work
in our life and in this boy.
So often we have been told that we are special
and how lucky Scotty is that
God chose us to be his parents.
I have never believed that for a second.
We are not the special ones.
It is Scotty.
He is the special one.
It has always been Scotty.
We are the lucky ones to be close enough
to be warmed by the light of God
that shimmers around him.
I am trying very hard everyday to focus on the light.
It is not always easy.
Sometimes I have to squint, or tilt my head,
and sometimes I have to rub my eyes really, really hard
in order to bring the blurry image into focus.
Scotty remains the same.
in our life and in this boy.
So often we have been told that we are special
and how lucky Scotty is that
God chose us to be his parents.
I have never believed that for a second.
We are not the special ones.
It is Scotty.
He is the special one.
It has always been Scotty.
We are the lucky ones to be close enough
to be warmed by the light of God
that shimmers around him.
I am trying very hard everyday to focus on the light.
It is not always easy.
Sometimes I have to squint, or tilt my head,
and sometimes I have to rub my eyes really, really hard
in order to bring the blurry image into focus.
Scotty remains the same.
Our reality is the same.
Nothing has changed.
The only shift has been in my ability to see through
all the craziness and disorder to truly see
God's most perfect handiwork.
"The eye is the lamp of the body;
so then if your eye is clear,
your whole body will be full of light.
Matthew 6:22

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