Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Upside Down

     Well my word...it has been one year, four months and 6 days since I wrote my last blog and I have no explanation as to why?  Certainly Scotty gives me lots of material, and my husband is retired so I now have lots more time to write and still I haven't been able to sit down at the computer and post a blog. So why today?  There is only one conclusion that seems feasible...someone who reads this post today needs to hear the very same message that I received from God today.

     Today is one of those days that lends itself to reflection. 
 It is this guy's birthday.  
His 29th birthday to be exact.
On this day every year I can't help
 but contemplate what the future holds
for our boy.

He is love personified.
He is perfect.
He is the sweetest of blessings....

     ...and without a doubt on the day he was born he completely and totally turned our world upside down. Everything we thought we knew and all the plans we had made changed in the few short hours it took for him to enter this world.

     As I tucked my 28 year old son in last night I began my litany of worries, fears and uncertainties of what the future holds for him.  These concerns are present in each moment of everyday but more so on this day as he turns one year older but more importantly...so do we. These worries go deep. Etched on my heart like wounds that never heal because I keep scratching them open.  Over and over again.

     So I pray...

    ...and as hard as it is to admit, my pleas of " Why him?" seem to dominate my prayers, vying for  attention and demanding answers.

     As I have stated before, God speaks very loudly to me. Surely he must think I'm daft because his messages are SO clear and SO loud!   For Lent this year I am reading a book called Rediscover Jesus, by Matthew Kelly and today's reading was titled Upside Down.  Matthew Kelly relayed God's message to me today loud and clear! More amazingly is that I am a day behind and this reading was meant for yesterday.

      "God wants to turn your life upside down, which as it turns out is right side up.  If you let Jesus turn your life upside down, you will be happier than you ever imagined possible...and you will have joy."  He reminds us that all through the bible we can find examples of Jesus turning lives upside down.


     So today I will try very hard to make my prayers ones of thankfulness for our very upside down life. I will bow down in gratitude for this boy who we love more than words could ever express.  I will pray for the faith to leave the future to God and believe with my whole heart that He will take care of all the details that consume me with worry. I will also pray that all of you hear God's voice today and that you realize that all your upside downs are really right side ups.

Happy Birthday little guy.  I love you.

I am confident in this,
that the one who began a good work in you
will bring it to completion.
Philippians 1:6


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