It's me Scotty...
Can we talk?
I know there is a very good chance my name
is not going to appear on the "Nice" list this year.
I realize in your omnipresence that
you have most likely seen some stuff
that shot me right into the number one
position on the "Naughty" list.
I tried really, really hard to be good but,
I broke some stuff...not limited to...
but including parts of our house.
I wasn't always nice to my mom and dad,
and I pulled my sister's hair and hit the
people that love me and take care of me.
And I yelled...oh how I yelled...
But I am really, really, really sorry.
I know you get this a lot,
but it really was out of my control,
and as devastating as it was to everyone else
it was terrifying for me.
it was terrifying for me.
But I am better now.
Whatever was making me hurt inside
doesn't hurt so much anymore.
I still struggle everyday and I probably
always will, but I know one thing for sure...
No matter how "naughty" I am my mom and dad
will never, ever, ever give up on me,
and even when my devilish alter ego makes an unwanted
appearance they will never stop loving me.
appearance they will never stop loving me.
So dear Santa my list this year will be very short
since I really have everything I will ever need.
If I absolutely had to come up with a list it would be
pretty much identical to my list from last year...
and the year before that...and the year before that...
A guitar, a baby, a snake, and a slinky.
But what I really, really, really want this year
Santa, is for my sisters to come home.
I miss them every single day, and
nothing makes my mom happier than when
we are all sleeping under one roof.
we are all sleeping under one roof.
Merry Christmas Santa.
And I hope you can forgive me.
And I hope you can forgive me.
Hugs and wet slobbery Angel kisses,
Love, Scotty
P.S. I am not making any promises but I am really, really,
gonna try to make the "Nice" list this year.